Erik Almås is a digital photographer that uses photoshop in some of his works. He shoots lots of landscapes, as well as portraits, but he also has a collection of digital composites that I find particularly appealing. He was born in Norway but moved to San Francisco to pursue a career in sports photography. During college, he found a new passion for creating great composite images.
In terms of content, Almås generally uses a figure in the foreground. Typically they are interacting with some feature, such as an animal, an object, a vehicle, or a combination of animal and something else (such as a mounted animal, or a whale-turned-blimp). The background typically tells the story though, showing some hint as to the situation the figure finds themself in, and the story about the unfold (or the story that is just about to unfold). A great pattern in his pictures is the addition of clouds.
In terms of technique, Almås often uses low natural lights throughout to show his surreal landscapes. His colors are well coordinated. His pictures either employ a vivid saturation or a lower desaturation. His surreal lighting goes to great lengths when paired with one of these color methods.