Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Old is New- Brittany Little

For the old is new again project I decided I wanted to portray the idea of old "freak show" photography, so I photographed a model to mimic a tattooed lady. The vintage claw foot bathtub was the perfect backdrop to emphasize the antique aesthetic.


  1. I feel that this image is one of the strongest for a few different reasons. First, the lighting is really nice. It flatters the model and illuminates the subject beautifully. The wooden texture that is left subtly visible further adds to the mystery of the "freak show" tattoo lady. That combined with the tub makes for a setting for an usual setting that ultimately ties the concept together really nicely. Technique wise, the use of textures and framework around the edges were great ways to emulate collodion images.

  2. The lighting in this image is beautiful, it washes out the face just enough but still get the details. The setting of this was a great place with the tub and the girl with the tattoos go so well together. The classic and modern mixed perfect together.

  3. I really love the composition of this picture. The lighting, as mentioned during critique really mimics the lighting that is in actual collodions. I also love the "Freak Show" concept that you went for. I feel like it was executed very well and your editing is great as well. I love the markings on the bottom right, they look very organic, as well as the fog/ flare on the bottom.

  4. The lighting in this image is really incredible and the intensity of the highlights really give it a wet plate feeling. I think the bottom right is really nice and gives it a sense that the plate was coated unevenly, which is seen a lot with this process. The edges really bring this image together with how the top right goes off the page, but there are distinct lines on the left and bottom edges, framing the image that was meant to be captured. The textures and location that you chose were absolutely perfect for this assignment and work really well for the overall aesthetic.

  5. I feel that this image is one of the strongest presented today. I really enjoyed the overall atmosphere and feel of the photo. The lighting is incredible and to me conveys a sense of inner peace that contrast with the freak show theme. Maybe showing that she still feels beautiful and content even when deemed with the title of "freak show." The composition also made this image amazing, I can tell that the placement of everything even down to her foot was planned and thought out very carefully. The edges were also executed very nicely and add to the vintage look without being too distracting. The lettering on the side is also a nice subtle touch. Great Work Brittany!

  6. The composition of the subject is very well placed along with the lighting that is hitting the subject's face. It is very charming and beautiful. The photoshop work is believable of a wet plate collodian and I think she did a fantastic job overall. I really enjoy the blob of grey at the bottom along with the fingerprint like markings and how dirty picture looks.

  7. This photo has great lighting with the focus on the model and details from the surroundings still shining through. The fading at top is well done but I feel it wouldn’t hurt to add more at the bottom near the light fog. The textures feel natural but I wonder if adding more wet textures would help break up the black right corner. Overall this photo is well done with no question it’s an old plate and the setting adding that dynamic element. You could try, as discussed in class, shooting the model nude but I think it works as is and I’m not sure the tattooed woman would be nude in a real ‘freak show’.
