Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Chelsea Eklund- Architectural Blending

My concept was to create a house out of something that obviously isn't a house. I wanted to make it look like something that could actually be real, that one could just find while walking along.


  1. I think this image is technically well done, and the windows and door look believable, however; I would really like to see more done to the structure. Since you have such an interesting and perplexing structure, that clearly piqued the interest of everyone in the class, I wish you would have added more to it. I want to see some sort of roof, maybe some embellishment on the walls or a tiny person. It was a good project, I just want to see more out of it.

  2. While I do think that the basics of this image have potential, I don't think enough was done to it to make it a finished product. The structure itself is so strange that it would lend itself to a very interesting product if given a little more time. I would suggest playing on the scale differences that exist and perhaps try to create more levels on the building or attach some of the pipes that you mentioned were coming out of it.

  3. This image has a lot potential to become great. The windows and doors that were add do look convincing but feels a little unfinished, I would love to see something done with the top of the building, that would have add another layer to look at.
