Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Scale Project - Ana C.

What it feels like at school concerning the geese.

1 comment:

  1. Post-Critique Commentary

    During critique most students got why I decided to make the geese large, how they are a problem and how these vicious little things have taken over the school as their home. I chose the location, the area across from Union Building, because I wanted a goose ‘nesting’ and the little sitting arenas were perfect for that. Also that area gets a lot of traffic and is the heart of the school, being so close to Union, the first place visitors would likely go. The geese with heads up looking around like scouts is what they do in real life and they do like getting on top of buildings staring at the students below. So for composition I tried to make it believable behavior just in a larger scale. I think the issues were on the geese poop for they didn’t always read as such. So will see if scaling them down a bit or changing the color will help. There was mixed reviews on whether or not to add something to the goose looking down, ideas were from adding a student to some grass below it’s beak. I personally didn’t want people in the photo and had the goose glancing at the beam of light but will see how it looks doing otherwise. The lighting on the left side on the building could be darker to strengthen the lighting effect I created on top. Maybe putting more grass for the nesting goose was also suggested. Also erasing some of the halo effect on the main goose was suggested so will pull that back a little. Burning some hot spots on the grass would be wise as well. Overall though I got some positive feedback and was glad everyone understood the concept without me even explaining it.
