Monday, February 17, 2020

1 comment:

  1. The composition of this piece is really interesting because there is a lot going on (in a good way). There is the table full of tea party items, the two dogs in human clothing, the person sitting in the chair, and the stool and cards laying on the ground; and even though these are all unusual things that would normally go together, they are composed/Photoshopped in a way that looks real. The shadows added underneath the chairs adds a nice touch.

    The way I would interpret this is that the stool and cards on the ground maybe suggest that someone/something was there before but decided to leave in a hurry (or maybe got angry they weren't winning the card game!). I would say that the artist is someone who enjoys being humorous (and spending time with her dogs).

    Overall, the composition is great, and you did really well at making it look realistic. I think the decision to change the color of the chair was a good decision because the original color blended in a little too much. Great work!
