Sunday, February 11, 2018

Transformative Retouch: Charlie Raggett


  1. I thought this was a creative use of the animation feature in Photoshop. Your use of multiple trans-formative frames really brings the figure to life and interacts with the viewer.

  2. This piece has a completely different take on the transformation aspect of the assignment. The character in the gif could've been changed a bit more in the final frame to convey the emotion. I'm not sure if she's meant to be terrified or evil. Overall, good job.

  3. I really enjoy not only the retouching in the piece but also the animation aspect. Its super different and interesting!

  4. I think the retouching is very well handled. It clearly demonstrates your proficiency with digital retouching. I do like that as far as the animation is concerned, those aspects are set up on a relatively still image, and following the final frame, which at least the face is a new image, the same retouching edits are carried through.
