Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Influence-Dana B

Under the Influence- Robert and Shana ParkeHarrison

Under the influence: John Wilhelm

Under The Influence--Cornelia Hediger

Under Influence - Emi Haze

Under the Influence (Fredrik Odman)

Under the influence of Fredrik Odman.

under the influence- Nick Knight

Under The Influence

Ashley Johnson Under the Influence

Ashley Johnson

Under the Influence : Martin Grohs 

I changed the artist I chose to gather influence from, as I became more more interested in the body of work Obvious Desktopgraphy by Martin Grohs. 

Here are my finished works inspired by him.

Under the Influence (of Christoffer Relander)

MARCO - Under the Influence WIP

This is where I am so far.

My influence was Matt Sartain. 

Under The Influence (inspired by Maria Svarbova)

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Night Prowler-Yount

Night Prowler - Rob H.

Lake View

Night Prowler

Night Prowler

Dana Brouillard-Night Prowler

Night Prowler

Kate Hess- Night Prowler

Night Prowler - Charlie Raggett

Night Prowler - Marco

Night Prowler - Marco
Strip Mall Gothic II.5

I don't know, I kind of had an idea of capturing the ennui of the "strip-mall-Gothic" of American life. And how hanging out in parking lots, or in this case an elevated parking lot, is kind of a staple of depression? But life still moves below and you just kind of lose yourself watching the lights move.

At least, that's the narrative I had in mind.

Night Prowler Fair -Michael Kasey

Monday, April 2, 2018

Under The Influence : Nemanja Sekulic

Nemanja creates work with fantastical scenes and stories. these either come from adaptations of previous works or stories, like Sherlock Holmes, or exaggerations and fiction imposed on everyday life. He primarily works in photoshop and creates tutorials that show how he arrived at his final imagery. One Image I particularly enjoy is his work with "filling" rooms with water and thus creating underwater scenes. His understanding of color theory and how to adjust them using the color adjustment tool in Photoshop has had an immense impact on my photoshop workflow.

While his work may be very illustrative. I find It to be a nice break from various other works I enjoy in Gallery spaces. While he does not have specific series each of his works communicates a different story that requires the viewer to explore the spaces his subjects inhabit and develop stories for the worlds and situations he presents.

Under The Influence Inspiration: Cornelia Hediger

Cornelia Hediger is a Swiss artist working in the United States.  I am intrigued by her Doppelgänger series, in which she digitally manipulates a twin version of herself.  Her two selves are posed and shot in a variety of beautifully and meticulously set-up scenes.  Each photograph creates a narrative that I find interesting.  She places her selves in a framework that is broken up into bordered areas.  The way that the image within each block interacts, blends into and also opposes the neighboring block of image space adds an incongruous yet visually-activating touch.  I'm excited to see what conceptual direction I will take, and to get back to scene setting and self-portraiture.

under the influence- Michael Kasey

Maurizo Anzeri
 Maurizo Anzeri- using found photographs as his starting works, he incorporated embroidery and sewing into his new photographs bringing life into them. using vibrant color he tries to create  silhouettes and making elaborate costumes upon the image, making a great contrast with the black and white backgrounds he uses.

Miles Aldridge- using eclectic colors to enhance the lighting of garments and surrondings, miles has an eye for color and how to light it well, especially for working with models making them look almost mannequin like or flawless and surrounding them in interesting backgrounds.
Miles Aldridge 

Miles Aldridge 
Nick Knight
 Nick Knight- manipulates the human form and makes it abstract and almost alien like as well as using creative scenes and seamlesses to create a dynamic photo striking almost, and chooses models with unique features and enhances them exaggeratedly to bring the beauty into the forfront .

Kate Hess- Under the Influence Inspiration

            In Christoffer Relander’s series titled “We Are Nature,” he combines digital images of human figures with images of nature.  By utilizing blending modes and masks in photoshop, he created minimal portraits that portray the outline of a figure.  He replaced distinct features with images of leaves, branches, and various natural elements to create a photograph that is half portrait, half landscape.  The negative space around the figure is void of any texture or color which furthers the minimalist quality of the work while also helping to define and emphasize the outline of the figure.  Most of his portraits focus on hands and faces, and the compositions are contained within the frame without touching the edges.  He has both black and white as well as color work in his “We Are Nature” series; I enjoy his black and white images more, so I plan to work in that mode. 
            I would like to emulate Relander’s style by using masking and blending modes in photoshop to create portraits that link a figure to a specific architectural site.  This architectural element, opposed to the nature elements found in Relander’s work, will be one of the distinctions that prevents this project from being “copy-cat.”  I will use textural overlays to create subtle backgrounds for the figures, instead of keeping my negative space white as Relander did; in this way, I will stay true to my more maximalist style. 

Dana Brouillard_Artist Research

Under the Influence

From the series "Wozu." © Claus Lucas       

   Magenta Massacre printing plate, 2013-2014, aluminum printing plate with plastic bags, 30 x 41″.

EunGyeol Lee, From The Series “The Magus”© Dongwook Lee, 2012 © Dongwook Lee

 Lee’s work draws me in because of the darker backgrounds with the illuminated figures. The textures in the body parts mimic the those found in the background. The parts that I would like to emulate is the repetition of the textures throughout the images. I also want to incorporate a figure with an appropriated light source. In the hands photograph I would change how harsh the lines are in the lighting transition.
Lucas Blalock is a photographer that uses Photoshop in ways that repeat and manipulate certain objects. I am interested in mixing an object and texture in my own piece. I would also like to explore the idea of digital collaging in my own work. One thing that I would change in the Magenta Massacre piece would be to clean up the stray marks of the target bag in the bottom left corner of the piece.