Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Dana Brouillard-Night Prowler


  1. I think the focal point and subject is well established and framed well. I think the colors are preserved well and the lighting of the subject well handled.

    There is a pretty rapid drop off from the hottest spot on the back/midground grass to it's darkest, and the hot spot on the foliage at the top is a bit distracting, were that light softer I think the composition would be better served.

    I also think that the soft glow of the horizon is a little too faint for any effect and it is in an awkward middle ground were it should either be pushed to black or amplified?

    I like the light trails. the energy is really well executed and I think that it is well captured.

  2. I like the idea of this! I think that it's going in a good direction, it's just kind of hard to figure out what's going on with the tree and the light trails. Maybe taking some trails out so that it's not so busy would help with the clarity of of the composition, but the sparklers engulfing the tree makes it seem like it's a magical tree or something of that nature. I would also work more on really pushing the parameters of the assignment in the sense of incorporating more light sources o other elements of light other than the sparklers.

  3. Beautiful idea, this tracing of nature. The artificial light mimicking and highlighting the isolated tree is really nice! Love also how you preserved the soft pink hues of the tree blossoms, it's a nice touch. The left side of the photograph with the beautiful glow of surreal light draws my eye, I almost wish this same surreal light bled more into the right side as well and into the forest. Next time you try this maybe try different angles other than a strict central focus, but very nice start and great experimentation with light and shooting bulb!

  4. It's so sparkly(pun intended). I think your use of sparklers to create light trails around this tree was very smart. You emulated the look of the branches of the tree with the light trails, making it look like a light tree! I do feel that maybe the tree should be centered or maybe the only thing in the frame since you intended it to be the focal point. Either that or include another element on the left side of the frame. Overall, beautifully lit and nice coloring!
