Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Night Prowler


  1. Good job taking this picture, I really like the background colors and the reflection of the light.

  2. I love the composition in this photo. It reminds me of a French song (will need to find and send it over). I feel if the lights would just be slightly dimmer it would bring the picture together, but at the same time I really like the brightness. I love the colors in this photograph, great work!

  3. This feels very cinematic, so I really enjoy it. The way the colors move across the image from orange to green is a nice touch, giving the feeling that the lamp post is the divider between two worlds. The only thing I might say throws me off is that basically everything in this scene is in focus. So maybe think about softening the background behind where the car is, just so that the attention is pushed onto the figure in the foreground. Overall though, well done!

  4. I love the coloration of this image. It has a very dreamlike quality that reminds me of the twilight zone.

  5. Overall I think that this is a successful image for the assignment. I really enjoy the gradience of the colors in the background. Maybe you could explore slightly lightening the back of the model's head to be able to differentiate it from the background.

  6. in love with this image, very cinematic in the sense of using color and lighting to create a dynamic mood, and the model is positioned just right in between the post.

  7. This composition is super interesting. I think that having the two different times of days in the same composition gives it a really surreal scifi type feel. The colors are funky and vibrant and the scene has so many elements that keep you guessing about what's going on. Overall I really like this piece!

  8. The blending of the day light in the right of the image into the darkness of night into the left of the image is brilliant and very well done. Not only that, but there is such an interesting story brought about by this that I continue to look at it.

  9. This image emulates a film still. It is mysterious, creating such an interesting conversation. Who is the figure? What is the figure doing? Or, perhaps, it could be a discussion about waiting. The image is so diverse. The textures in the photograph also create another interesting aspect. My only critique is pertaining to the lights above the figure. Could these possibly be crisper? Overall, amazing job!
