Monday, January 27, 2020


  1. You can clearly see the theme that the artist was accomplishing, the traditional humor you see behind ironic clown photos are always a classic. The use of brushes to create the border is really well rendered to give the photo a more roughed up look, the stains and paper tearing also add to the quality of the image of making it feel aged. I do wish that maybe the background wall and door were a little more blurred or out of focus, just to imitate the shallow depth of field photographers had to use with wet plate.

  2. The point of view helps with the message of the image. Instead of being eye level looking down, deciding to be level with the person sitting down gives it more of a serious view. The values are very grey toned, there are not many dark black or white whites but the values give it more of a serious view and works with the image and the story. The textures overtop of the photos help to convince that it is a wet plate photo, along with the black edges and missing piece of the photo.

  3. I think you captured the tone of the message very well through the props and setting. I can see the use of blur in the ballon that makes it feel less static. I think the composition of the photo could be more interesting with a different point of view, the pose itself is already very capturing. The distressed corners and use of brushes makes it feel aged but I think you could perfect it even more through different random streaks of white and black or broken glass.

  4. The project was old is new again so I wanted to bring back the concept of clowns before horror movies came out. Clowns used to be fun and silly and at some point that took a turn and they are used in horror movies or in scare parks now. People have a totally different view to clowns now a days. I wanted the image to be what a vintage clown's opinion was as seeing how things have gone down hill for them. That's why the sign says clowns are people too.
