Monday, January 27, 2020

Wet Plate - Isabella Gagliardo


  1. The photograph has a strong attention to detail when it comes to the replication of a wet plate. I first noticed the thumb prints on the right side, as well as the heavy water damage on the edges (most noticeable in the top right and across the bottom). The photo is very sharp, which makes the rust stand out heavily. The color is subtle; there are strong whites, but no heavy blacks are seen.

  2. The frame on the tricycle is interesting. The way the back wheels are angles with the front wheel angles opposite helps the photo not look straight on. The point of view on the photo is great as well. It is not eye level, instead is it leveled with the tricycle. The photo also has great textures, cracks and the edge makes the photo look like a realistic wet plate. Along with the finger prints on the right side.

  3. You framed your object nicely the bike with the windows in the back gives the image a feel of passing time or a childhood memory. You did a good job on the edges of the image with the running chemical marks. The finger prints are a nice touch it might have been interesting to smudge the second one as you grabbed the glass and your finger slipped a little. You have a lot of broken glass on the left side of the image I would like to see one of those little pieces missing. I think it would be nice to bump up the contrast a little to make the bike stand out even more. Over all good job.

  4. I think you could benefit from framing the tricycle in a different point of view or angle of view, like if it was super small around a large landscape. But I like the rustic tricycle that ties into a concept of a forgotten childhood or leaving childhood behind. I think you chose an interesting subject to shoot and it could be pushed further if you were to have shot it not in the typical eye level view. The distressed frame and broken glass are a great edit that makes the photo seem more like a wet plate.

  5. My concept was to capture something that creates a sense of nostalgia. Tricycles are typically associated with childhood, and I feel like nowadays we don't see children outside as much riding their tricycles/bicycles, and because this specific tricycle was extremely rusted, it makes a statement on this fact of tricycles being sort of outdated, and this sense of nostalgia.
