Monday, January 27, 2020

Digital wet plate


  1. This photograph has such a strong contrast. What I find interesting is the subject matter. The building is so darkly lit, against a back drop of such a seemingly dark day. The clouds vary in both light and texture. Some are dark, some are light, some are soft edged, some are sharp. The scratches and dust particles on the wet plate are very well done, as well as the light filtering through the clouds.

  2. This photo is so strong and could mean so many different things. To me the building reads as a church and then there are big puffy clouds almost alluding to the idea of heaven with the strong contrast you have going on. The editing to make it look like a wet plate is very convincing with the different scratch marks and wet splatters. I think the composition is very simple but also makes you think a lot about what you're actually looking at, great job!

  3. The image utilizes composition and lighting very well. It seems surreal through the contrast between the lightness and darkness of the clouds, but is still grounded through the building in the corner. I think you have captured a very interesting scene, but could push it to seem more like a wet plate. I think making it more distressed around the corners and adding small cracks could make it more believable. Overall, it is a beautiful image. Good job!

  4. It is not really clear what the image is showing, which gives it a dreamy aspect. The contrast is strong, seems like light is blooming from the other side. I really like the small cracks and smudges, it gives an effect like a mist. The picture just seems like I could find it in a dusty box in the attic. The wattery edges worked out really well!

  5. For the concept of this assignment I wanted to give my a photo a mysterious feeling to it. I got the idea because me and a group of friends were talking about hosting a horror movie night and a couple of days later there was lightning outside my friends house so we went outside to take some photos. I wanted the photo to feel mysterious and possibly ominous by positioning the house towards the bottom right and having most of the frame filled with clouds. I lowered the exposure of the photo and blurred the house at the bottom right a little bit to give a difference depth of field than the clouds which were more in focus. I also made the area of where the lightning was in the sky brighter so that way I could try to make it looked over exposed to have an extreme amount of contrast.
