Monday, February 17, 2020


  1. The composition of this piece is really interesting because there is a lot going on (in a good way). There is the table full of tea party items, the two dogs in human clothing, the person sitting in the chair, and the stool and cards laying on the ground; and even though these are all unusual things that would normally go together, they are composed/Photoshopped in a way that looks real. The shadows added underneath the chairs adds a nice touch.

    The way I would interpret this is that the stool and cards on the ground maybe suggest that someone/something was there before but decided to leave in a hurry (or maybe got angry they weren't winning the card game!). I would say that the artist is someone who enjoys being humorous (and spending time with her dogs).

    Overall, the composition is great, and you did really well at making it look realistic. I think the decision to change the color of the chair was a good decision because the original color blended in a little too much. Great work!

  2. In this composition, there is a scene being played out that represents Alice in the Wonderland. Indications of this include the table setup with the tea, the pink chair, the costumes that the dogs are wearing, the playing cards, and the background scenery. The dogs in the photo are dressed up in a human-like way with the ties, hat and button up. One of the dogs stare right at "Alice" as if anticipating for her to play her turn, while the other dog, presumably "Mad Hatter" stares straight at the viewer. The furniture chosen for the scene don't match and there are cards scattered on the ground making the space seem chaotic. The scenery also plays along with this because of its eerie atmosphere and broken down fence in the background. Alice seems like the only one out of place because of her poised posture as well as how put together she is with her dress and hair.

    From this composition, I can tell that the artist has an interest in Alice in the Wonderland and is also a little humorous. She dresses up the dogs in a way that imitates the tea party scene in a goofy way but also skillfully through giving hints with the hat and tie. Alice represents an innocent child in a world that is chaotic which could be how the artist has depicted herself as. It could also represent a sense of not belonging or fitting in which is clearly presented in the scene. She shows this through her elegant posture contrasted with the strange scene and goofy dogs.

    The composition of the scene clearly hints to enough clues that this is a recreation of the tea party scene in Alice in Wonderland. It does it clearly the setting as well as props and posture. Alice has a character of her own in stories which can also give us a hint to how the artist wants to portray herself as or what her out look is on the world or her surroundings. I think there is a child-like aspect to it since the dogs bring a humorous tone to the scene with the unfitted clothing. Overall, I think this scene can be easily read in several different ways and has enough hints throughout for people to link it to Alice in Wonderland.
