Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Under the Influence Inspiration - April Lin

1 comment:

  1. Robert Rickhoff mainly focuses on adding elements to scenarios that seem out of place. He uses Photoshop to develop satirical photos that sometimes contain dark humor. For instance, he places a slide that faces towards a road with a car passing by. Many of his objects that he incorporates to other locations are items from playgrounds, such as the slide, rock climbing rocks, basketball hoops, sandbox, and etc. He plays with allocating these playthings in dangerous areas that you would not find these things. Many of his photos take place outside in urban areas where cars are going by or in the city itself.

    There is an absence of people in all his photos making you focus on the thing that is out of place. Because his photos are of everyday scenery, it makes it harder to distinguish the reality and what’s been manipulated in the photo. But all of his photos are very straight to the point, they focus on the main subject and the surrounding scenery to create a more realistic photo. His photos mainly use natural sunlight, there aren’t any harsh contrasts or major filtering of the photos taken.

    His later series focuses on objects that have been manipulated in ways that render them sometimes useless. For example, he has an image of what should be a door handle but has instead replaced it with a knife sticking out. In another instance, he has a kiddie toilet with a citrus squeezer centered in the middle of where the user is supposed to be sitting. In all of these works, he focuses on how the form of the object would mesh well.
