Monday, March 19, 2018

Size Exaggerated


  1. I really love this piece, may be just make her just a bit bigger so when it is printed on canvas we can see the idea more clearly.

  2. the juxtaposition here is quite effective. Great job with illustrating the difference between diets and communicating that through the subjects gestures and poses. I might try and photograph both the fruit and the sweets in the same scene so that the perspective matches up better. Also look into blurring one of the figure so that they match the focus of the surroundings they inhabit.

  3. The quality of the photos used in this are very nice. Some of the shadows seem off, like the shadow from the figure on the banana is resting in the highlight of the banana, making the figure feel like it's floating off the picture. The figure is also very sharp, which doesn't match the slightly out of focus banana. Overall the concept is strong and easily understood. Don't be afraid to push the concept and have the figures interacting with the giant food more, like crumbs that are half eaten, or the front figure being covered in icing.

  4. the composition and scale of this piece is awesome, I love how you placed the fruit very well and lit them correctly, the only thing I would fix is the shadows and highlights of yourself.

  5. I love this concept. Very fun! Your selection of the figure on the junk food is done so well. The figure on the banana isn't as seamless as the other. Since the bananas are starting to be slightly out of focus, maybe applying a very small blur would help.

  6. A very clever composition! It feels to me as you did a great job with the fruits, however, the sweets seem a bit to copy and past. The cupcakes don't seem like they were blended well (right side). The donut seems to me that it needs to be lowered just a tab to match the allusion of the table going further back. I would also make one of the figures more out of focus also the fruit or the dessert. One more thing, the shadows on the girl who is sitting on the banana doesn't need the shadow under her upper thigh. I would make the shadows softer a bit as well.

  7. I think the focuses between the figures and there position within the depth of the setting don't quite match the objects in the original photo at the same depths. Some tweaking of blur effects might help.

    I also think that such saturated colors as those on those fruits would at least faintly reflect onto the figure in some way.

    I think the postures match the interacting objects really well. It was a very well done compositing process.

  8. The idea of scale is clearly seen in this photo. I would play wit the shadows more, as they seem unnatural in the current state. The figure sitting on the banana seems a bit unnatural because of its sharp focus on the out of focus banana. I think fixing the shadows and focus would make for a top-notch image. Good job developing the concept.

  9. The concept working in this piece is very clearly articulated and uses the idea of scale and proportion well. The use of depth of field is also a plus in minimizing the background.

    I would work on the figures a bit more, especially the banana sitter. The edges around her are two heavy and she seems a bit to sharp in reference to the surroundings and banana.

  10. Great concept and play with juxtaposition here! It’s so relevant and funny. I would rework some of the shadows, for example the donut shadow is missing and the orange shadow is a bit harsher than the rest. Good job overall though!
