Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Old is New Again – Eloi Solis

My concept was to create an older portrait of my dad. It was difficult finding a portrait that had the distressed marks and texture I like so I used a picture from the Civil War to create the border around the edge of the portrait. I added a bit of grain and a yellowish tint to simulate a wet plate collodion more effectively. 


  1. I feel like you did a good job trying to create a older portrait of your dad. The blur is also really effect and with him being off centered and a blank facial expression it really works with what you were trying to do. The only thing I can think of is maybe adding cracks or some sort of distress in the middle of the image as well to give it more of an older look.

  2. The composition and DOP of this portrait is nicely down. It gives a very vintage camera look, as it would have back then. I would have added more marks and distressed marks on the image rather than just the frame. Part of wet plates is you have little control of what marks and blushes stay behind. Like adding a blob near his head or over his shoulder would be a nice touch.

  3. Hi Eloi! I think your concept of creating an older portrait of your dad is very effective. I like how you have the crisp detail of your dad, while the backdrop is very blurry which shows a very short depth of field. One thing I think would have been effective would be to make it look even older. Splotches or cracks would help with this!

  4. The image is framed pretty tight and therefore, the depth of field is blurring the background in a good way. I would push this even more, keeping in mind that pictures from this time had such a short depth of field that even the ears or hairline would fall out of focus.

    I would also develop the concept just a bit more. How does the image of your father and the Wet-plate idea intersect?

  5. I really liked the idea of this portrait, I enjoyed the looks of the border and I feel his expressions and feel fit the theme very well.

    The only critique I would say is maybe add a scratch or maybe som smudges to make the portrait look much older to have a civil war feel to it.

  6. This is so wonderful. Your short depth of field looks just like a wet plate collodion. The only thing I can think of to critique on is how the distress to the image is only focused on the outside edges. If you put a scratch or thumbprint or something in the center of the composition, it would tie that part together more. Great job!
