Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Ashley Johnson Architectural Blend

Ashley Johnson

Architectural Blend

My concept for this project was how easy it is to become overwhelmed and lost in college. I portrayed this by taking different aspects of Rowe and combining them into an indecipherable labyrinth, emulating the feeling of anxiety and lost-ness. 

1 comment:

  1. Conceptually, from the feedback I received, my concept comes across generally. I could definitely continue to push the concept by adding figures into the spaces, whether they be figures of different people or figures of myself through the different stages of college.

    Technically, creating the different perspectives and correct shadings was challenging, especially when blending the spaces together seemlessly. There are a few spots which need touching up, like a few empty white spots where the mask needs some reworking. However, I have some spots that work beautifully, like the curve of the top staircase and where it meets the two adjacent planes. I could also continue working on the shading to help better distinguish between the different planes.

    Since I knew I was going to be using so many different pieces of architecture, the photographing process was a little more forgiving. Some of the perspectives could be reshot, like the fair left stair case, but nothing is in dire need of reshooting.

    Overall, some of the best suggestions I received were to continue adding to the scene by adding figures and playing around with adding and subtracting doors and additional planes.

    This was a challenging piece, and I believe it came out sucessfully.
