Thursday, March 26, 2020

Magic Conch - Scale Exaggerated - Kristen Campbell

1 comment:

  1. This piece is an untitled Photoshop work. A beach scene is before us, looking at a sand dune. A cloudy sky is above, and the sunlight shines down onto a giant conch shell. The conch shell has a powerful glow from within, and a nearby person appears to be shouting something into the shell, their shadow looming behind them. The shining lights, the pink and salmon shell, and the purple clothing all contribute together for a warm aesthetic.
    A common euphemism we hear is how the sea ‘calls’ to us. Or how some might say the beach is ‘calling’ to them, when they crave a vacation. In the image, I see that the figure is literally calling back the sea itself. The beautiful sand waves and clouds in the sky are evident of the ocean’s splendor.
    The transition from the sand to the seashells is very convincing. I find the edges of the glowing light coming from the inside of the shell to be a bit jarring though, as well as the shadow extending from the person’s feet.
    I believe this piece is successful in many ways, such as the background. I can’t tell whether the cloudy sky was added or if that was true, which in my mind is the ultimate goal of Photoshop. The only gripe I have is the figure’s hair, which slightly melts into the dune plant in the back.
